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Perfect Mother's Day Hampers and Gift Vouchers available now!




Apple Picking Etiquette!

When visiting the Castle Farm PYO Apple Orchard this season... we ask you to bring your BEST Apple Etiquette!

Our orchard grows a beautiful heritage Apple called the ‘Norfolk Royal’.. deliciously sweet, crunchy, and bright red... but in order to keep our trees (and your fellow pickers happy), we ask that you pick with care and follow these etiquette rules...

(For details on opening hours and location,click here). 

 1. Twist.. don’t pull!  Twist the apples off the branch.. if you pull, the force can cause other apples to fall on the floor. 

2. Try to use two hands! Apples often grow in two's on the branches.. so its good to use two hands when picking.

3. Only pick what you plan to take home. PLEASE don't over pick apples, & then leave unwanted apples on the floor. 

4. Don’t abandon apples... Last year we sadly had a huge amount of apple wastage in the orchard.. either people over-excitedly picking too many, or picking apples purely for a photo. We need to avoid this year.

5. Treat them gently -  Apples can bruise easily... treat them with love and put them in your basket / bag gently when you pick them. 😊

6. Surprises - If you pick an Apple, and a little ladybird / earwig is hiding on the skin.. don't drop the whole Apple.. just brush it off.. the Apple will be 100% fine (& delicious)! 

7.  If apples do fall on the floor in the picking process... PLEASE consider picking them up and using them - make apple juice or a lovely apple crumble! We hate to see waste! 

8. You are welcome to bring reusable bags or baskets... or we have baskets & Castle Farm canvas bags available for sale. 

9. Most importantly... enjoy! They taste a million times better than any apple you could ever buy from the supermarket! 😉 

We look forward to welcoming you. The Castle Farm Apple Orchard is open Fridays / Saturdays / Sundays from 10am-5pm throughout September, or until picked out! There is a dedicated car park at the orchard. For all the details - check our blog post here.